Saturday, January 3, 2009

Got pillow

Here's me sweet 2 year old Nearly lying on his bestest buddy Buster.


High Power Rocketry said...


Acorn to Oak said...

Ohhhh...they're sooo cute! I can't say that it looks comfortable but I bet they're helping each other stay warm. :o}

Anonymous said...

That's so sweet V! My dogs, as a general rule, do not touch each other and they stay out of each others personal space. I would love to see them snuggling!

Anonymous said...

oh soo sweet!! I wish the boys would let Simmer do that... She would've loved to but they were not feeling good when she arrived, so Rivet was crabby to her advances. Now she snuggles with me...Simmer thinks Nearly is so lucky to have bed buddies!
Did you send that one to me or is it a new one?
Hugs from all of us to all of you!

dog face girls said...

Skeezix would never submit to being used as a matterss or pillow.
Smooches to Simmer.

Skeezix is not fond of the other two lying on him, I think for him it's an age thing, since, OMG, he will be 15 this year.

Simba said...

super cute!

