Sunday, February 10, 2008

Belated Bucket List

Please accept my appologies for not posting sooner. But, it seems this nasty virus I got had other plans for me, like broncitis and sinusitis. I'm feeling a bit better now so must get this list done. Last Monday I got myself tagged by The Neophite Blogger

Have you heard of The Bucket List? Well, that's what I want from you! Make a list of things you want to do before you die. It must be at least five items - and you can make it as long as you desire. Photos are optional. And let's hear about some of the wackiest, most bizarre to-do's on your Bucket List!

So here are the things I want to do before I die:

1. Never get this nasty virus again!!!

2. Get my butt back to New York City and take my husband, can't believe he's never been.

3. Ride every rollercoaster in the US.

4. Swim the English Channel.

5. Get upfront and personal with a Polar bear.

Ok, so it's not world peace. Enjoy!


Ari_1965 said...

Glad you're feeling a bit better. I had the creeping crud over Christmas, so I can sympathize.

Here's my Fun Monday, if you're interested

dog face girls said...

Thanks Ari.



Ari_1965 said...

I've posted the actual song clip, so if you'd like to hear Selling My Pork Chops, please re-visit.

Here's my Fun Monday

dog face girls said...

Oh cool, I'm off to listen.


Patience-please said...

Oh, so sorry you were sick... Hope you are totally on the mend now.
Just don't run into the polar bear in the English Channel!!!

big hugs-

Allie said...

wow, swim the English Channel, now that is ambitious. Hope you get to do all these things.
