Monday, February 16, 2009


Well it's about time I did a little needle felting.
Here are a couple of heads/pins I made.
They are for sale in my Etsy shop.

The heads are completely needle felted from 100% wool.
They also have a bar pin back attached so you can wear them on your favorite coat or sweater.
They each measure about 2 3/4 inches long and 1 1/4 inches high.


Patience-please said...

How cool!!!! A must for the show ring!

Laura said...

They are great! Did you stitch the pin back on? I am always unsure about pin backs I have started stitching them then adding glue to be safe.

dog face girls said...

Thanks, and yes Patience I agree, a definite must for the show ring.

Laura, I always stitch. I'm not a big fan of glue, but do use a touch of glue where needed.

William F. Renzulli said...

Always on the cutting edge of needle felting! Very cool.

Still waiting for your visit...There could be some homemade pasta in your future.

dog face girls said...

Thanks Bill!! As for my visit, well, that hinges on Patience's work schedule.